Friday, September 25, 2015

Amrapali Group participates in Futsal challenge ’15

Amrapali Group participated in the FutsalChallenge- Play against cancer 2015 to promote the noble cause of helping people suffering from cancer.  The event was organized by CanSupport with Amrapali Group as its associate partner. Amrapali Group has attempted to bolster the battle against cancer and to uphold the noble purpose of increasing awareness about it.

The Corporate Futsal (variant of football) Challenge was organized on 6 September at Thyagaraj Stadium which is near INA in New Delhi. The event was organized with a motive to keep free of charge services running and reaching out to the underprivileged people in Delhi NCR. The event saw participation from 24 corporate teams which competitively challenged each other.

The Futsal event aimed at emphasizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle in order to reduce the risk of cancer and to help combat the disease. Dr Anil Sharma
Futsal Challenge
, chairman of Amrapali Group said, “We truly believe in the possibility of a much better life and substantially reduced risk of cancer if we do not smoke, eat a healthy diet, keep fit and avoid alcohol. Futsal is a great initiative by CanSupport as it is creating awareness among populace and generating response from them on the matter.”

Futsal Challenge is an activity-based, fundraiser which lays emphasis on the message of staying fit and healthy in the fight against Cancer. Futsal is a variation of football and is played on a smaller field which is mostly indoors. It has a smaller ball with less bounce than a regular football. This lets the players concentrate on improvisation and be more creative.
Futsal is widely believed to be the ideal skill building environment for producing technically excellent football players. It has unlimited substitutions and there are no throw-ins.
The event was aimed at increasing awareness of Cancer and CanSupport among young working people and companies. CanSupport believes that a healthy and holistic life improves the possibility of a cancer-free life in the long run.
Dr Sharma added, “We are glad that the event has been a great success. It instilled people with a spirit to fight cancer together.”

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